Whispers From the Sea

 Goosebumps, tears welling, and abundant AHA moments…One of my favorite weeks of the year involves an early morning commitment as a “turtle patroller.” Yes!! I am one of those women.

Rising in darkness, hair unkept and bucket in hand in an unlikely “vacation” rhythm, but one that I have learned brings me immense joy. Indeed it is quite odd to crave jumping out of a comfy bed after a long evening of salty conversation and fun, but the sea can call loudly. Curiosity and passion seem to trump all common sense when I know what the sandy beach may behold. 

For me, moments of enlightenment often arise with dawn, a time when my mind is fresh.  Walking the edge of the dunes in the new morning light, my thoughts are flooded with what I may find. Momma sea turtles have been active upon the beaches in the overnight hours leaving a beautiful imprint.

It is nesting season and their tracks lead the way to potential for new life. 

They have survived on this earth for millions of years and adapted to countless circumstances and environments. Obviously, they have habits and lifestyles that nourish them. Their slow rhythm and trusting nature seems to provide many lively lessons. 

At night, momma sea turtles crawl onto the sandy beach with one goal in mind, to lay a nest of eggs and return to their oceanic home. They possess a remarkable internal compass and an affinity to light that guides them. When they arrive upon their “familiar” beach, the mommas dig a perfectly inverted lightbulb-shaped hole where their eggs are laid.  As they shed salty tears while laying their eggs, they cover the nest with sand and faithfully crawl back to the ocean. 

All of this happens in the dark of the night, in solitude, the momma sea turtle uses all she was given to pass along to the next generation, her baby hatchlings. Often I reflect upon being a momma in the light of these ancient sea creatures. It brings me hope and tiny bits of inspiration. 

Motherhood is not easy and sometimes feels very lonely. There are peeks and valleys to navigate, and heartfelt joys and pains, all presenting themselves with the underlying current of constant change.  It truly requires tremendous strength, resilience and faith. So often, we must trust our children in situations that are beyond our control. We find ourselves in positions where it is time to let go or in moments where our children may be best served by our absence. As I look to the example of the momma sea turtle, I am hopeful that my “momma strength” will rise when I attune to my internal instinct, that soulful gut feeling, a place where something bigger than me is present. 

As I return to the rhythm of my sandy walk, I notice once again. 

Goose bumps…I am learning to make note of when they rise. 

Tears welling…I am noticing when they spring forth.

The AHA moments…I am connected to a deep soulful me. 

Often our body does tell a story and for these physiological phenomenon, I am grateful.

They have allowed me to grow in wisdom and embrace the many ways that my life is uniquely connected with nature. 


Catherine Goodman Farley is the author of the Explore with Mimi book series (https://www.explorewithmimi.com) and the upcoming devotional From Desert to Dawn, a collaboration with artist Julie Barnett, with inspiring words of renewal for mind, body, soul and spirit care. Catherine writes, speaks and teaches workshops including the upcoming Write and Shine. To join Catherine register here. Learn more about Catherine on her new website https://www.catherinegoodmanfarley.com.


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